Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Engine Power Branch:
This so far was the most complicated wiring for me (that is until I hit the dashboard). I won't know how well I did until I turn the key for ignition :) I am using an old skool firewall mounted starter solenoid. Most starters have a built in solenoid. Because the engine is so big and the engine compartment is so small, this configuration actually works out better for me as it is much easier to manage all the wires that map to the solenoid (see last picture for a call out for all the wires). This is also the stage where I mount and connect both the coil and the ignition system. As you can see below from the pics, MSD provides clear schematics with all their products. I also decided to mount my coil on the back of the engine. Most folks mount the coil on the front but I wanted to keep it unobstructed. It also eliminated a couple of wires from running over the block. Cleaner I guess. Anyway, everything is hooked up and the guys on the hurricane forum reviewed my picture with the wire hook ups and said it was all good. Next for me is all the wiring for the dash and gauges. Pictures below. Click a thumbnail for a larger image:

Rear Electrical Branch:
I haven't written in a while due to some business trips. I have actually got a lot done but will write them in installments. This time, I am going to talk about the rear electrical branch. This branch provides power to the rear brake lights, fuel sending unit, license plate light and blinkers. I routed the wires along the cockpit tub and out to the back. All wires are wrapped in a protective loom. I also drilled a hole through the rear of the cockpit tub and put a rubber grommet in place as not to cause chaffing.....just like on my wedding night! Anyway, once out to the back, I had to splice in and solder sub branches for the license plate light, brake lights, and grounds etc. Pretty straight forward. Pictures below. Click on thumbnail for larger picture.