Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Heavens to Murgatroid!! Let's STOP this crazy thing!!
This past weekend, I finished off plumbing the brakelines. I have to admit, I wasn't really looking forward to this part as I have heard horror stories about bending lines, making flares, etc. Luckily for me, Hurricane Motorsports sends you all the lines pre-bent. As a result, the install was pretty much a snap. I have had some feedback regarding my fuel line placment vs. the brake line. I have my fuel line above the brake line. I have seen some people in the Hurricane forum put the brakeline below and some above. It looks like either works (at this point anyway....sometimes you eat your words later when you find out that you now have a blocking problem, etc.). I have pleanty of space between the lines. The only possible issue (but doesn't look like it yet) is where the fuel line and brakelines terminate/exit at the front engine mount. If there is an issue, this is where it will be at. But in all seriousness, I doubt this will be any problems.