Friday, May 08, 2009

Patience is a virtue: Body and Paint-The Saga
As I go almost weekly to check on the progress of the cobra, I often recall the movie “The Money Pit” with Tom Hanks where he asks the builder fixing is dilapidated house “how much longer?” and the builder always says “two weeks.” Two weeks is the answer I always get from my painter, Rick, when I ask about the ETA for finishing the cobra. In fact, he said it would be done by Christmas. One time, I said…”Jeez Rick, when you said Christmas, I didn’t think you meant 2009!” I did have to put my foot down. Eva is pregnant with our second child and she is due in early July. That doesn’t leave me a lot of time to work on the car and get the detail parts, interior, etc. With a new born and a then, 2 year old in the house, cobra time will be at a premium! Anyway, I have photos of the body work. Major challenges with the body work has been the hood and truck fitment. They have done a good job getting these parts to fit as best as they can. The trunk was especially difficult. It always looked like it was made from an early mold and never did quite fit right. I think this will be the last kit car Rick takes on.

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